That was thanks to darlin' daughter Kat who gave me a Cuisinart egg cooker for Christmas. It will cook seven eggs either lightly, medium or hard or three poached eggs. You've all had that grayish tint on the exterior of the yolks when they get overcooked. And then these eggs peel easily, which for me is a miracle in itself.
My hard-boiled eggs were made by mashing the two egg yolks with 1 T. of light mayonnaise, 1 t. of Dijon country-style mustard and then a tiny pinch of smoked sweet paprika on each one.
I had three halves for lunch, a nice amount for now.
In other news -- thankfully -- I haven't had the elusive, moving aches today. Hooray. I'm armed with my Tylenol if they start up again.
oh, that egg cooker sounds like a good post op investment!